Black & Bleu™ is an application that shows you the meaning of all of the documented and many of the undocumented Mac OS error codes. Many codes include information about what might be the cause of the error and what you can do about it.
The database contains almost 3000 error codes with Apple's short explanations of each. Our detailed explanations and remedies are included for the most common of these errors. The type of detailed information can be selected from 2 categories: a Non-technical User orientation and a Programmer orientation. The Non-technical User explanation is presented in a way that someone without a programming background can understand. The Programmer explanation is written in VERY technical terms that usually includes source code that demonstrates the error. To fully understand the Programmer explanation, you should be familiar with Macintosh programming (in C or C++).
This document describes Black & Bleu™ v1.1.
System Requirements
Mac OS 7.0 or later
Any Mac or clone
1.7 MB of disk space
0.8 MB of RAM
Black & Bleu™ is available from our web site:
as a free fully functioning demo. This demo can be launched for a total of 3 times before it expires. Otherwise it is an exact copy of the commercial version. In fact, if you purchase the license key and apply it to your demo copy, the demo is converted directly into the commercial version. No additional downloads are required.
Download size
900 kB (about 6 minutes at 28000 baud) (Stuffit Archive)
1.1 MB (about 8 minutes at 28000 baud) (Binhex version)
$34.00 USD (electronic version)
$46.00 USD (CDROM version)
All explanations are in English.
Black & Bleu™ is supplied as a self-extracting StuffIt archive file.
The archive contains the following 8 files:
Black & Bleu™ - the error analyzer application
Read about Black & Bleu™ - a copy of the file you are reading
B & B Documentation.pdf - the Black & Bleu™ Instruction manual in
Adobe Acrobat™ format
Request an Error Analysis - an application you can use to ask us
about error you've gotten.
(This is a FREE service offered by Bleu Rose Ltd.)
Read about Request... - a file similar to the one you are reading
describing Request an Error Analysis
Prepare your Order - an application that helps you pay for
Black & Bleu™ via EMail or traditional Mail.
How To Order - instructions for ordering including
using Prepare your Order.
Prepare your Order helps you
order Black & Bleu™.
Your License Key - Information about the License Key
that you need to turn the demo into
the commercial version.
Disk Utility Shoot-out - A comparison of various disk repair
utilities by Misha Sakellaropoulo
(Applications are indicated by italics)
Purchasing Instructions
Black & Bleu™ can be purchased:
- using a credit card
- using First Virtual
- with Cash, Check or Purchase Order
We use Kagi as our "Order Desk".
If you want to order by credit card via the Web go directly to Kagi's Web Site ( using your web browser. You can also go to the Bleu Rose Ltd. Web Site ( and link to Kagi from there.
Otherwise, use the Prepare your Order application (one of the files in the package you downloaded) to help you prepare your order. Full instructions for using Prepare your Order are located in the "How To Order" file.
Credit cards accepted:
- American Express
- Diners Club
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Optima
- First Virtual
You can find detailed information about how to order in the file called "How To Order" (included in the collection of files you just installed).
Contact Information
Bleu Rose Ltd.
PO Box 5536
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-0536
Voice Mail: +1 626-913-7996
FAX: +1 626-965-6241
1442-A Walnut St. #392
Berkeley, CA 94709-1405
FAX: +1 510-652-6589
EMail deliveries to AOL accounts is a continuing problem for us. ALL of our EMail destined to AOL addresses is never delivered. AND it is not returned. It simply disappears. AOL has said that nothing is wrong and "We don't do that". However, we have tried to send EMail MANY times to AOL users without success.
Therefore, if you use an AOL address for your EMail, please provide us with an alternate way to reach you.
Version Numbers
Our numbering scheme is important to you because you can tell if upgrading to the current version will be free or cost you more money.
Here is how we use version numbers for Black & Bleu™. All of our version numbers are 3 digits separated by decimal points. When the last number is zero, we drop it off. For example, the first release of Black & Bleu™ was given the version number of v1.0.0 but since the last number was zero, we dropped it off and made it v1.0.
We use the last digit of the three digit version number to indicate a bug fix release. Bug fix releases are always free to anyone who purchased the version that has the same other 2 digits.
As an example, say you bought v1.0 and we later released v1.0.1. The same access key you received for v1.0 would also unlock v1.0.1. That is because the first 2 digits of the number are the same. Remember that v1.0 is actually v1.0.0.
If we add new features to the product, we will then change the version number to v1.1.0 and of course, drop the .0 making it v1.1. This version would use a NEW access key that you would have to buy since the first 2 digits of the version number would be 1.1 instead of 1.0.
If we get to v1.9, we will roll over to v2.0 for the next feature-based release. This would NOT signal major changes in the product. It would just be another new set of features like any of the previous new feature-based releases.
We also append a letter to the end of the version number. This letter indicates where you obtained the product. For example, "w" means you got it from our web site. "c" means it came from our CDROM. "p" means it came from a press kit. And so forth. There are other letter designations that we use as well. If you take advantage of our free "Error Analysis" service, the version number (including the letter) is included in your query.
Pre-Release Software Policy
Under NO circumstances do we release "Developer", "Beta", "Alpha" or any other form of pre-release quality software to the general marketplace. Unless you are one of our official beta testers, you will NEVER receive such software from us or find it on our website.
If you would like to be considered for a position as Beta Tester, EMail us expressing your interest and provide your qualifications. Address your message to:
Version History
v1.1 - Released in June 1999
• Added 416 more error codes
• Added many more detailed explanations
• Enhanced all "User Oriented" detailed explanations
with additional information
• Added a way to distinguish between error codes
that use the same error number
• Added the name of the system component that
is associated with the error (such as QuickTime)
• Added a way of listing only those errors that are